Artificial Intelligence in the Rail Transportation Industry
Artificial intelligence (AI) is having a significant impact on both our personal and professional life, particularly in the transportation industry. New AI-enabled apps, in particular, are helping to improve and reinvigorate the worldwide rail industry, which has been plagued by a lack of innovation for decades.
Rail transportation is once again being praised for its environmental friendliness, efficiency, and cost-competitiveness when compared to other means of transportation. The digitalization of railways is expected to accelerate, according to the ARC Advisory Group. Railways, on the other hand, must increase their use of AI across both train operations and rail infrastructure in order to enjoy the full benefits of digitalization.
While AI has piqued interest for the past 50 years or so, it is finally reaching maturity as we now have more and less expensive computing power available, as well as machine learning capabilities and advanced user interfaces that make this powerful technology more accessible to a wider range of users.
AI is assisting in making all means of transportation safer, cleaner, smarter, and more dependable. Artificial intelligence can assist in reducing traffic congestion, identifying dangers, managing transportation, analyzing travel demand, and even lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
Today, AI is being used in rail applications to improve train scheduling, train speed control, avoid accidents, predict delays, and improve asset management, among other things. These AI applications aid in public safety, customer value delivery, and overall train management and operations optimization. As a result, the technology is assisting in reversing the trend of rail losing market share to other means of transportation.
Although AI has a lot of potential benefits, it also has a lot of drawbacks. Artificial intelligence raises legal, economic, social, and ethical issues, such as who is responsible for any tragedy caused by a cyber-attack and how to maintain data security and transparency. It might also be used to spy on residents and consumers, posing a hazard to individuals and consumers.
Automated Train Operations Systems (ATOS):
While AI can be used to increase efficiency and save costs in a range of train control, safety, supervisory, and asset management systems, one of the most useful applications of AI in rail technology is its contribution to train automation (ATO).With increasing degrees of autonomy, ATO passes responsibility for managing operations from the driver to the train control system. The International Electrotechnical Commission has defined four levels of train automation: the third level refers to driverless operations (with crew members on board), while the fourth level pertains to autonomous and unattended train operations. The Dubai International Airport uses a fully automated train to transport passengers between terminals on a predetermined track system. To drive the train independently, SelTrac, an automatic railway signalling system, is used.
Today’s superior AI technology is a powerful force that can help unlock the possibilities of future railway digitization. Projects to better synchronize container train movements on the network and increase real-time communication and data interchange are underway as intermodal container transit is likely to grow. AI has the potential to play a significant role in this.
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