IoT in Indian Railways


The rail industry is now capable of using the Internet of Things and communication technologies as well as using it in the context of the Internet of Trains, it is in a position to fully use the Industrial Internet of Things enabling communication technologies. The internet of things (IoT) is a diverse group of linked, tiny devices. The IoT goes a step farther with the concept “Internet”.

Here, we are going to see the evolution of communication technologies, including mobile phone and radio technologies, which have all seen dramatic changes over time, and describe how the transportation industry has met, or failed to meet, technological, design, and/or operational demands over time.

The goal of this blog is to provide an in-depth assessment of the cutting-edge technology and services in the railway sector that will radically revolutionize it and help to meet today’s difficulties.

Nowadays, in Indian Railways, the internet of things is employed to control and track railway operations and procedures. The railways will soon be rid of the unwanted downtime caused by unforeseen repairs. It is both practical and more effective in the IoT era to use predictive and preventative maintenance. Train-mounted sensors and analytics help keep the rails in top condition, and they can be examined remotely in order to detect and resolve even the smallest of problems before they turn into much larger issues. Reduced maintenance delays also help to extend the life of the rail system.

Better operators can manage their trains by monitoring them across networks and using analytics to interpret the data. A number of organizations use IoT to monitor the movement of people in various locations, including waiting at station platforms, commuting on board train cars, and during peak periods. Operators may be advised on travel scheduling by means of analytics that takes into consideration commuters’ requirements and demands.

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MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research
MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research

Written by MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research

MITCORER, Barshi launched by MIT Group is one of the finest engineering colleges which ventures into the unique field of railway and transportation.

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