Last Minute preparation for MHT CET


Finally the schedule for MHTCET has been declared, and it will be started from 20th September 2021. Hence, I would like to give some last minute tips for the preparation for MHT CET.

  • It is very important to ‘Be Positive’ during the last days of exam.
  • One should always stick to the Timetable.
  • Need to keep consistency in Revision.
  • Give more time for revising the 12th syllabus.
  • Remember formula, equations, and reactions.
  • Try to have a relook at PYQ’s and Mock-tests.
  • Try to solve PYQ’s and Mock-tests in the same time slot in which your exam is scheduled.
  • Be good at time management.
  • Don’t leave any questions unanswered.
  • Take a break after every 45 min to freshen up your mind.
  • Try to visualize and correlate reactions with real life events which would make it easy for you to memorize.
  • Utilize all of the given time for the exam and don’t rush for submission.
  • Keep the last 5 minutes to overview the answer sheet to make sure whether all the questions are attempted.
  • Don’t change your body clock in the last 7 days of the exam.
  • Maintain a proper diet, don’t try unusual food or food other than routine and get enough sleep.
  • ‘Bird’s Eye Recollection’ — Close your eyes and try to recollect the units and then topics then subtopics then Formula / Reaction / Equation / Main Highlights / Diagram / Picture. Try to write those topics down and then check with notes.
  • Not necessary to solve questions sequentially — You may switch between the questions.
  • It has been observed that the first few questions are difficult (to waste your time), so if not solved, skip it and try at the end, but don’t leave any question unanswered.
  • Conscious Solving : + or — sign mistakes, Unit mistakes are the common mistake students make, hence avoid it.
  • Please do revisions from the notes/ books you are familiar with, don’t use any other notes/ books.
  • Mostly, questions for chemistry are based on Name Reactions, Catalyst, Reagent, Temperature condition or Find ‘X’.
  • The questions for Math’s are based on formulas. So, just focus on the statement of the theorem and formula.
  • If any subject is yet to be revised, while doing so, intermittent revision of other subjects is also necessary.
  • Don’t forget to carry the admit card with you as this is the entry ticket to the Exam Center.
  • Though you are having better immunity, it is recommended to use proper precaution to avoid any exposure to covid virus.
  • Use Mind Maps of each chapter for final revision. It will help you to mug up the concepts.

These tips would help you gain a good score in the exam. Try to follow as much as possible. Lastly I would like to wish you all the very best for the upcoming MHT CET and future endeavors.

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MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research
MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research

Written by MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research

MITCORER, Barshi launched by MIT Group is one of the finest engineering colleges which ventures into the unique field of railway and transportation.

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