VLSI Semiconductor Industry


At the moment the electronics industry is growing rapidly, due to which the electronics engineer scope has expanded greatly in India as well. Over the last few years, it has been seen a lot of start-ups have opened in India.

Electronics engineering is totally a vast field in that all electronic components are created such as transistors, diodes, microprocessors, and microcontrollers, all these components assist to build a circuit and Printed Circuit Board’s system like wireless phone, satellite system, and telecommunication, etc. This enhancing technique involved VLSI.


Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) is the process of creating an integrated circuit (IC) by combining millions of MOS transistors onto a single chip. VLSI began in the 1970s when MOS integrated circuit chips were widely adopted, enabling complex semiconductor and telecommunication technologies to be developed.

Ex. Different Microprocessor chips are made for mobile phone functioning.

We have realized that electronics engineering is still lagging in some places.

Transformation in the electronics field is a slow process, first of all, a prototype is prepared and when it is successful, only then the product is customized, due to which this process requires a lot of effort, time, and money.


Electronics Engineering is going on its boom in 2021. So many innovations coming in the market like Robotics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, microelectronics and IOT’s

Electronics items are aggressively using at all places it may be a home, hospital, or manufacturing company


The electronics field is quite strong if we want to launch a product in the market, then from designing to implementation and finally, its fabrication requires a lot of skill, time, and money.

Colleges/University coarse work still not upgraded according to market trend and technology, so students suffer and do not prepare themselves for time to market and in the end, they face a lot of challenges in getting jobs in the core electronics field.

What types of Job opportunities exist in VLSI semiconductor companies?

VLSI industry is broadly classified into two types

A. VLSI Product companies

1. EDA Company

2. Design Company

B. VLSI Service companies

Difference between VLSI Product and Service Company

A. Product Company

Responsible for design and develop a product for the various application in the market segment. They continuously innovate on new technology and are responsible to design ASIC/SOC. They work from understanding the market need to design end products for them. They are responsible for hardware design and software, testing and validation of the product, and then finally deployment of product for the customer. Some known product companies are Intel, Qualcomm, Mediatek, Samsung, etc. Engineers working in these companies get exposure to the whole product design life cycle and their different challenges…

Product Companies are categories into two,

a. EDA companies (Engineering Design Automation):

Before EDA companies IC was manually designed since software tools were not present in that era. In 1981 EDA industry came into existence. These companies build the software tools that are used to build the Integrated circuits and PCBs. As the design complexity is increasing day by day, we need a smarter and faster software solution to handle the design efficiently and reducing the design cycle time, that is the reason multiple software tools are being used by the designers in the chip design flow to make the job easy.

What are the jobs opportunity and roles offered by EDA companies?

1. Research and Development Engineers — The key responsibilities of Research and Development Engineers are to write the software. Programming language skills are required to develop software. EX. C/C++, Java, Python and data structures, etc. They are called a software engineer.

2. Product Engineers –Product Engineers work with Research and Development engineers for the enablement of few features in the software tool based on new technology and the designer’s demands.

3. Product Validation Engineers –They are called Quality Assistant engineers, when Product Engineers and Research and Development engineer enable any new feature/option in the tool, the Product engineer job is to make sure to test the quality of the feature along with new feature enablement shouldn’t disturb the older features of the tool.

4. Application Engineer — They provide a handshake between the EDA and design companies. They sell their software tools to design companies and are also responsible for their smooth functioning. Whenever designer face any tool related issue, they directly reported to them, AE works on the issue and provide the solution to the designers on urgent basis.

They have their own product in the market and works for the full design cycle. Design Company target for one application or more at the same time, they work from designing to implementation of hardware and software, testing and validation of design product. Few Design houses are Intel Qualcomm, NXP, STMicroelectronics, Infineon, Mediatek, Broadcom, AMD ARM, NVIDIA, and Samsung, Texas Instrument and so on.

4. What are the jobs and roles offered by Product design companies?

There are a variety of job profiles that exist in the design company, every profile demands a different skill set. Some of the Job profiles are Architecture Design, RTL Designer, Verification Engineer, DFT Engineer, STA Engineer, Synthesis Engineer, Physical Design Engineer, Physical Verification Engineer, Analog Designer, and Analog Layout Engineer.

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MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research
MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research

Written by MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research

MITCORER, Barshi launched by MIT Group is one of the finest engineering colleges which ventures into the unique field of railway and transportation.

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